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Nowadays consuming organic bananas has become a common practice, due to the multiple benefits they offer. At Anproex, we are specialists in the handling, production and distribution of all kinds of inputs for more than 17 years, among which organic banana calories stand out. However, the question is: Are they really healthy? Find out in the following article we prepared for you. Let’s start!

Are organic bananas healthier?

The answer is yes, they are a much healthier alternative because they are high in potassium, which is needed to lower the risk of high blood pressure. It is also rich in vitamin B6, necessary to produce hemoglobin and to maintain blood glucose in normal ranges. Many athletes consume it after practicing sports. Do you wonder why? Well, because it helps to recover electrolytes and avoid cramps.

One substantial difference you will find between organic banana calories and natural foods is that they are grown without artificial pesticides, fertilizers or herbicides. Although organic foods are said to have a higher concentration of some nutrients, evidence shows that it is a combination. So the nutritional content also varies according to when the food was harvested and how it has been stored or processed.


Another of its great advantages is that it is free of fertilizers. Although its use does not have a direct impact on the taste or nutrition of bananas, it does have an impact on the environment. That is why avoiding fertilizers not only benefits the production of these foods, but also the planet in which we live. However, just because they are labeled “organic” does not mean that they cannot be contaminated from the field to the market.

Although they are fresher, there is also no evidence that organic, natural or health foods taste better than regular foods. However, taste is determined by the genetics of the plant, rather than whether the crop has been grown organically or conventionally. Harvesting and handling also affects flavor. That’s why at Anproex we take particular attention to the details, when growing organic banana calories in the interest of improving the health and quality of life of our consumers, exceeding their expectations.

What are the benefits of organic bananas?

Bananas have many health benefits, as they can prevent different diseases that are develop over time. Anproex, hand in hand with large marketing companies, has made every effort to maintain all the properties that have the fruits with the mission of providing food alternatives that improve the physical performance of people throughout their lives. Some of the benefits of this organic fruit are:

  • They are planted in fertile soils. 
  • We carry out constant crop rotation work.
  • The fruit is obtained thanks to farmers who use natural inputs. In this way, they avoid the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
  • The cultivation process is carried out under optimal conditions. 
  • Anproex is a company that does not promote the use of agrochemicals that can affect people’s health.


Find out more about organic banana calories visiting our website by Clicking here. Call us now at 956 052 737 or email us at and make an appointment with the cultivation experts. We are located at 267 Monterrico Chico Avenue, Santiago de Surco, Lima – Peru. Anproex, agro-industrial, natural and organic products, we are waiting for you!