
Top Banana Companies 2

In Peru, banana exporters are very important because it is a natural and rich product that has a big demand outside the country. However, have you ever wondered who is the top exporter of bananas? The question is easy to answer, so in the following blog we will tell you many little-known facts about this fruit, as well as a couple of recipes that will help you have a healthier life.

Peruvian bananas

Peruvian bananas stand out for being the most popular in Europe, thanks to their sweetness and lack of starch.  They are exported into the international market as whole bunches, which helps to make them more accessible. This type of banana is also known for being resistant to diseases and abundant throughout the year. In Peru there are approximately 350 thousand hectares that produce around 20 million tons per year. 

These numbers stand out because it is a product with an immense potential inside and outside Peru. They also represent about 12% of all exports from this country. Numbers like these are not achieved by just anyone, less if you do not work responsibly and take special care of the lives of your clients. ANPROEX stands out for these characteristics as the top exporter of bananas in all of the country.

Not many people know it, but the first banana plantation in Europe was opened by an entrepreneur from Buenos Aires who came to Peru in search of new opportunities.

He planted his own plantations and thanks to this he managed to export these products to Russia. At one point they became known as “Peruvian apples” because they used to have three different variants. Fortunately, large batches were rescued.

Types of bananas in Perú

In the interior of the country we have a great variety of types of bananas which are distinguished depending on the size, color and flavor. This variety is due to its geographical location which allows it to have a tropical climate ideal for this kind of fruit (where there’s no frost).  The largest variety of bananas is the one that comes from Chancay. In this part of the country, there are both yellow bananas and green ones.

The experts say that there is no single country in the world with a greater variety of fruit than Peru. It is difficult to identify where these bananas come from because they are mixed before being exported. Experts have discovered their origin by studying two main factors: first, their color, size and shape; second, the number on them (indicating the place or plantation). Thus, it was concluded that 90% comes from Chancay while only 12% comes from the Mantaro Valley.

Top countries exporter of bananas

Peru is the top exporter of bananas around many countries representing 43% of the world production and 36% of the total trade. It is followed by Ecuador with 18%, Costa Rica with 13%, Colombia with 12% and Honduras with 11%. Nowadays, there are 30 varieties grown domestically, mainly for domestic consumption due to high costs associated with international markets. 

The main producers account for 95% of all exports, while other countries have also started producing, but in lower volumes. In 2014, Peru exported around 11 million tons of bananas. The main destinations for these exports were the European Union and, to a lesser extent, Russia. Peru also has its own brand of bananas which are marketed under the trademark “Pisang Ambon”.

Production process

Currently, the production process of this type of banana is different because it does not come from seedlings, they are from individual transplanted plants that have been selected over time to create an elite variety with high yields.

Experience with Bananas

This product is a major foodstuff for over 100 million people in the world today. In Peru, they’re also our most valuable export commodity – representing 11% of all exports from this country. They provide more than half of the daily caloric intake and nearly two-thirds of the recommended dietary levels of vitamin A for children under five years old living below poverty line incomes in Latin America and West Africa respectively.”

Banana plantations cover over 25 thousand hectares just in the department of Lima. The workers have reported that they typically spend their day picking around 100 kilos per hour for a total average working time of eight hours every single day during seven days a week in the harvest season.

Contact us

Learn more about the top exporter of bananas in all of Peru by click here. Also, to obtain more information about all the products that our company offers, call 956 052 737 or write to us at We are located at s/n mz p-1 Calle A, Lurin, Lima, Perú. Anproex, certified exporter for the export of natural and organic agroindustrial products.